Monday, September 17, 2012

Responsibility, Task and Reporting relationship

Ø  Responsibility is the obligation of a person to perform his or her assigned task with his/her best effort. In other words, responsibility is the obligation to obey command, perform assigned task and respect or follow organizations rules and regulations and policies. A person must be responsible effectively lack of responsibility leads the organization to the failure. Lack of responsibility increases indiscipline among employees. And, indiscipline employee is burden to the organization. Task is the distinct work i.e.; assigned to the person to perform. Every person has to perform task in organization. Task may be of different nature. And, employees must be assigned task according to his or her qualification. It is the responsibility of employee to perform assigned task effectively. An organizational structure is based on responsibility, authority, and task and reporting relationship.

Reporting relationship is also necessary to make the organizational structure successful. Reporting relationship makes who is to command and who is to report. Every subordinate has to report his superior about his assigned task and performance in time. Timely reporting about task makes it clear whether task is going to be performed in time or not? What are the weaknesses in task performance? All employees in organization are related with superior subordinate relationship and every subordinate has to report about his task to his immediate superior at a time. To establish effective reporting relationship three principle of management must be strictly followed.
They are: -
a)      Unity of command
b)      Chain of command
c)       Scalar chain and span of management or control

These points are defined as following:-

a)      Unity of command: - Under unity of command a subordinate should to report to only one his immediate superior and he/she should get command or order from only superior or boss.

b)      Chain of command: - According to this principle all employees will be linked with superior subordinate relationship and it makes clear who is to command whom and who is to report whom. According to this principle there will be chain of command and hierarchy of authority. Authority flows downwards and responsibility moves upward in equal.

c)       Span of management: - Span of management/control makes it clear how many employees are working under a superior. The number of subordinates must be limited to the manageable number. Hence, those who are working under one superior must report to their superior. According to span of management many subordinates have to report one superior. There will be narrow span and wide span. In tall organizational structure there will be narrow span of management. That mean less than one superior there will be few subordinates who have to report one superior. In wide span of management there will be many subordinates under one superior and they have to report to him/her.

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